Research Confidentiality Agreement Sample

When conducting research, it`s important to ensure that confidentiality is maintained in order to protect sensitive information. One way to do this is by having a research confidentiality agreement in place.

A research confidentiality agreement is a legal instrument between the researcher and the participant or any other party that requires access to the information. It sets out the terms and conditions for handling confidential information, including data, research findings, and other intellectual property.

Here`s a sample research confidentiality agreement that can be used as a guide:

1. Purpose: The agreement is made between the researcher and participant to ensure the confidential handling of research materials.

2. Scope: The agreement applies to all research materials, including data, research findings, and other intellectual property, generated or received during the study.

3. Confidentiality Obligations: The researcher agrees to keep all research materials confidential, except as authorized by the participant or as required by law.

4. Use of Information: The researcher agrees to use research materials for the sole purpose of conducting the research and will not use them for any other purpose without the participant`s written consent.

5. Disclosure of Information: The researcher agrees not to disclose any research materials to any third party without the participant`s written consent, except as required by law.

6. Return or Destruction of Materials: Upon completion or termination of the study, the researcher will return or destroy the research materials as instructed by the participant.

7. Indemnification: The researcher agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the participant from any and all claims, demands, or expenses arising out of any breach of this agreement.

8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This agreement is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the research is conducted, and any dispute arising out of it will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in that jurisdiction.

9. Amendments: Any amendments to this agreement must be made in writing and signed by both the researcher and the participant.

By having a research confidentiality agreement in place, the researcher can ensure that confidential information is protected and that the participant`s trust is maintained throughout the research process. Being transparent and clear with participants about how their information will be handled can help build a strong relationship and ensure that the research is conducted ethically and with integrity.
