Fate and Destiny the Two Agreements of the Soul

Fate and destiny are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings. Fate is the idea that our lives are predetermined, while destiny is the idea that we have some control over our lives and can shape our own futures.

So, what do these terms mean when it comes to the soul? The soul is often described as the seat of our consciousness, our innermost being, and our essence. It is the part of us that is eternal and connects us to something greater than ourselves.

Fate and destiny, then, are seen as the two agreements that the soul makes before coming into this world. Fate is the agreement that we make with the universe about the circumstances of our life. This includes things like our physical appearance, our family, our upbringing, and any other external factors that may shape our experience.

Destiny, on the other hand, is the agreement that we make with ourselves about what we want to do with our life. It is the part of us that is free to choose our own path, to discover our purpose, and to create our own destiny.

While fate can be seen as limiting, destiny is empowering. It acknowledges that we have the power to shape ourselves and our lives, even in the face of difficult circumstances. It is the belief that we are not just passive participants in our lives, but active agents who can make a difference.

Understanding the two agreements of the soul can help us to better navigate our lives. We can learn to accept the circumstances that we cannot change, while also working to create the life that we want. We can find meaning and purpose in our experiences, even when they are challenging.

Ultimately, fate and destiny are two sides of the same coin. They represent the dual nature of our existence – the parts of us that are predetermined and the parts of us that are free to choose. By embracing both, we can live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
